Tutoring offers a variety of benefits. We provide a unique and individualized learning experience based on student’s needs. As well, tutoring builds confidence and increases study habits, and our goal is to support every student in improving their academic performance and personal growth. This can look like remedial practice of a subject or enrichment for those looking to be further challenged. Most of our instruction is done on site at our convenient location on upper State Street, but we also offer tutoring on Zoom. We are now also a Heartland Vendor.
The California Learning Center offers 1:1 individualized tutoring on site or by Zoom. We provide academic tutoring of all subjects and homework help based on the needs of the student. From Kindergarten to adults, we are available to assess and support. For the high school student, the process might include academics, study skills, and/or test taking. Call or email us to arrange a visit or make an appointment.
Some students feel overwhelmed and need help with structure and time management. Others need help choosing the right classes, how to plan for a productive summer, or navigating the college admissions process. We provide support for the individual person and teach how to build confidence in the areas where support is needed.
We can help with:
• Organization and time management
• Motivation and support
• Increasing productivity (ie, homework)
Our qualified teachers and instructors will assess a student’s needs, develop a program in all areas that need support, and work 1:1 with each student. For some, this may mean reading comprehension and study skills. For another, it could be writing support and vocabulary or math. From rigorous to intervention…
For the high school student, there’s more to balance. An individual plan is designed for each student and this could be part academic, part motivation, organization, or test-taking. Every student comes with different strengths and weaknesses and we work to give them the tools they need for the present and future.
Private tutoring is arranged via phone call – please call us at (805) 563-1579 or send us an email.
View all of our upcoming courses and programs to sign up for a course, camp, or workshop. Once you’ve done that, go to the course description page and find your exact dates. You can then pay via Paypal or with your credit card using Paypal. No account set-up is necessary. For future purchases you will be given a choice to save your financial information with Paypal. Please note that the CLC does not receive or retain any financial data from PayPal.
To enroll in a course, you must complete our Registration Form, which is available online here.